uniting HEARTS across canada:

igniting a movement of revival

through worship and prayer

be part of the transformation: join our nationwide community

unite to ignite

uniting HEARTS across

canada: igniting a movement

of revival through

worship and prayer

be part of the transformation:

join our nationwide community

BURN Canada exists to spread the transformational power of Jesus through worship, prayer and supernatural explosive outreach in our nation.

Bringing together believers to encounter Jesus, empowering them to walk out the Great Commission in all areas of their lives, and seeing entire regions transformed.

In a world where unity amongst Jesus' followers is hard to find, and denominations, generations and ethnic groups continue to grow further and further apart, BURN is bringing people together for one common goal, to love and worship Jesus with our whole hearts and to share the love we have for Him with others.

Through these times of unified worship we are seeing lives, cities and regions being transformed. We were created to worship Him and be in Unity.

When Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane (John 17:20-23 TPT) He prayed for all of His believers. He could see all of us and prayed that we would experience perfect unity, so the world would be convinced that God had sent Him. Unity = Revival

Our mission is to plant and equip sustainable BURN Furnaces, uniting communities in worship, prayer and outreach, to ignite Revival in cities across Canada.

Bringing Generations

Together in Worship

We Honour fathers and mothers of the faith. Exodus 20:12, Psalm 133. We humbly realize that we are reaping what we did not sow and that we are standing on the shoulders of giants.

There are generations that have gone before us and done the heavy lifting. We seek their blessings and wisdom as our spiritual moms and dads.

We need the zeal of the young mixed with the wisdom of the old and foster a multi-generational expression of the heart of God. Many times we will see the older generations taking the younger under their wings and teaching them during our gatherings. The Lord is creating a beautiful tapestry of Kingdom Family.

Building Bridges

and Kingdom Family

There is a lot of division amongst churches and denominations. What we do have in common is our love for Jesus, our need to spend time with Him in worship, and desire to see lives transformed and set free by Him.

BURN has been bringing together communities Globally since 2006, and across Canada since 2010. We support local churches by creating neutral spaces for extended times of worship and outreach, coming together regardless of our denominational ties. We join with multiple local teams to lead and share the load, linking arms for the common goals of worshipping Jesus and reaching our regions for Him.

This has built bridges between believers that may never have considered coming together before, and helped many to realize how much they actually have in common. The relationships that are built are incredible, and bear witness to the world that God really did send Jesus.

At many outreaches we have experienced people being shocked to find out that it isn't just one church doing an event. This has opened the door to share the Gospel with so many. Being an example of true Kingdom family is a catalyst for Revival.

Creativity is Birthed

in the Presence of our Creator

We encourage creativity through many expressions of worship at our gatherings, from Music, Painting, Dancing, and Flagging, to beautiful moments of sacred silence, praying together, sharing a word and creating space for Holy Spirit to move without giving a timeframe.

Our heart is to cultivate an environment where new songs, poems, paintings and dances can be created as we worship. We believe God is releasing a fresh wave of anointed creativity from the place of His presence that will change the World.

We are committed to the pursuit of God and love for one another. This is a safe non-judgemental environment where one can be themselves and cultivate vulnerability.

Where people feel a sense of belonging and connection, reinforcing our commitment to a united, Kingdom family that lives in the light, overcomes struggles and fights for one another's dreams, being true examples of what discipleship means.

Creativity is Birthed in the Presence of our Creator

We encourage creativity through many expressions of worship at our gatherings, from Music, Painting, Dancing, and Flagging, to beautiful moments of sacred silence, praying together, sharing a word and creating space for Holy Spirit to move without giving a timeframe.

Our heart is to cultivate an environment where new songs, poems, paintings and dances can be created as we worship. We believe God is releasing a fresh wave of anointed creativity from the place of His presence that will change the World.

We are committed to the pursuit of God and love for one another. This is a safe non-judgemental environment where one can be themselves and cultivate vulnerability. Where people feel a sense of belonging and connection, reinforcing our commitment to a united, Kingdom family that lives in the light, overcomes struggles and fights for one another's dreams, being true examples of what discipleship means.

Real Stories, Real Impact

- Burn Canada's Journey -


Partner With Us

How We Worship Together

BURNs have regular, unified gatherings of extended prayer and worship in cities and regions. The local "Furnace" coordinates regular times of extended worship and prayer in any type of public gathering place.

The goal is to connect people with their king and with each other in relationship. We believe that as we worship, pray and walk through the doors that God opens, we open a conduit from heaven to earth to bring transformation, healing, hope and power.

We have seen healings, salvations, deliverance and redemption erupt from our place of worship.

Our Approach

We worship together, we eat together, and build relationships together. We gather at churches or more unconventional places like, Barns, Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Theatres, and Homes for our times spent in focused worship and prayer (Which we call Breathing in times).

When we take worship outside we are outreach focused with worship and prayer teams working together (Which we call our Breathing out times).

We meet at beaches, parks or streetsides and it is a beautiful way to bring Jesus to people who may never walk into a church building.

Being Part of Our Family

When you partner with us, you are participating in the transformation of lives – whether financially or volunteering your time, your involvement makes a big difference.

It's like adding your own special color to a beautiful painting, making our Kingdom family even brighter.

Joining Hands in Faith: Trusted, Understanding, Mission-Driven

Loved by Many

Families and Leaders love BURN. Everywhere we go we become like family and work hard to build bridges in our communities.

Outreach Focused

This is at the heart of all we do. To create opportunities to reach hearts not only in our churches but also in our communities, supporting local ministries and joining together, being Jesus' hands and feet through Worship, outreach and prayer.

Why We Do This

Our Main goal at BURN is to minister to God's Heart and love Him with our whole hearts. By doing so we begin to bring transformation to our cities and regions as we come together to worship in Unity.

A Place for You

Whether you're young, old, or in between, BURN is a wonderful group of people to connect with across Canada. Be prepared to be welcomed in like family!

Join the Movement: Step into Faith with BURN

The Time for Unity is Now

There's an urgent need for a united spiritual community that spans all generations. BURN invites you to be part of this vital movement, bringing transformative worship to every corner of Canada.

Join Us in Worship

Ready to deepen your faith journey? Connect with BURN Canada easily. Sign up for updates, attend our events, and become an active member of our growing community.